Child nutrition dietitian

Back to school – Lunch Box tips

Returning to school sees the return of packing lunch boxes. At Optimum Intake we know this can be a stressful, daily chore for parents. Getting the balance between exciting lunches and healthy options can be a challenge. Check out our tips below to get this school year off to a great start. Start with the…


Dietitian home visits

Our 6 Key Steps to Achieve Optimised Nutrition.

If you are yet to have a consultation with an Optimum Intake Dietitian, here are 6 ways in which we assist our clients: Challenging diet culture– We are all exposed to various avenues of dieting messages that are at least partly influenced by society’s dieting culture. This is leading to much confusion and frustration when…



Holiday Eating

As the end of the year approaches, silly season is upon us as holiday festivities begin. Whether you are staying home with loved ones, going on a holiday, or spending time with distant relatives- there’s often one common and unavoidable aspect of this time of the year- FOOD. For some people, food doesn’t get a…



Optimum Intake Dietitians Coronavirus Update

Optimum Intake Dietitians are committed to delivering services in a safe, practical and innovative way during the coronavirus pandemic. How will we do that? We ask all clients, staff and visitors not to come to clinic or go ahead with a home visit if they have cold or flu like symptoms or have been exposed…


Hunter Dietitian Clinic

Nutrition at Hunter Kidney Clinic

We are very excited to offer our clinical services at the Hunter Kidney Clinic. Our Accredited Practising Dietitian Rachel Tutill is the new Renal Dietitian providing services at both the Gateshead and Maitland clinics. Rachel has had the privilege of meeting and working alongside previous dietitian Jessica Stevenson during this handover period. Rachel is working…


School Lunch

Help your children listen to their body when eating.

Is how we parent teaching our children to disregard their natural body signals of when to eat and when to stop eating? Over time we see a distrust in listening to our bodies which are designed biologically to send signals to seek food and eat when hungry and then our body sends signals as we…


Child nutrition dietitian

School Lunchbox Reward System – Parent Letters

It is the start of the school year and even though we are only a few weeks into the term, already I am hearing stories (both in my personal life, from colleagues and via social media) that some schools are monitoring school lunch boxes. As a mother myself with school/pre-school aged children, I too make…


Vegetairan dietitian salad image

Approaching New Year Resolutions in a New Way

Make sure this year you are not part of the 80% of people who fail to achieve their New Year Resolutions. At this time of year many of us think about making resolutions or changes for the coming year. We think about a goal we can set for ourselves, whether it be a financial, work…


nutrition autism kids

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Dietitian Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHA, anxiety disorders) Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) are the experts in food and nutrition with skills to translate scientific nutrition information into personalised, practical dietary advice. They have the knowledge and skills to advise patients on how to prevent and manage an array of health conditions through dietary intervention.…
