child drinking milk

Help! I think my child is allergic to Milk

Parents often become concerned about their child’s tolerance to new foods and liquids when starting solids or transitioning from one breast/formula milk to another. Babies who become uncomfortable, irritable, difficult to settle and show signs of mucus in their poo, diarrhoea or constipation might have Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance. Cow’s Milk Protein Intolerance or CMPI…

Child with Paediatric Feeding Disorder

Paediatric Feeding Disorder – What is it?

Paediatric feeding disorder (PFD) is a relatively new diagnosis for children that struggle with eating and are not meeting expectations for feeding for their age. Children may have previously been labelled as fussy, picky, faddy or a problem eater/ feeder have often been overlooked for underlying causes to their challenges with eating or feeding with…

Kids eating

Help with Family Mealtimes

Family mealtimes can be stressful. It’s a time where we are often tired and unwinding for the day. Parents of fussy or picky eaters are often well versed in the Mealtime Tango. Parents offering, child declining, child diverting, parents getting stressed, child leaving the table without having eaten, parents feeling they need to offer something…

Child nutrition dietitian

Back to school – Lunch Box tips

Returning to school sees the return of packing lunch boxes. At Optimum Intake we know this can be a stressful, daily chore for parents. Getting the balance between exciting lunches and healthy options can be a challenge. Check out our tips below to get this school year off to a great start. Start with the…