It can often be very difficult to identify if someone has an eating disorder, let alone know how or what to say to the person that you are concerned about. What we do know is that early intervention and having a multidisciplinary treatment team provides the best possible chance for overcoming the illness. Once an eating disorder develops, it can easily become entrenched and difficult to change. Therefore, if you have concerns that you or someone close to you has an eating disorder, it is important to take the issue seriously, and to seek medical advice and treatment as early as possible.

Eating disorders are characterised by two key features: disordered eating habits and disordered weight control behaviours. Disordered eating habits can include restricted food intake, strict dietary rules, preoccupation with food, and altered mealtime behaviours. Disordered weight control behaviours may involve excessive exercise, vomiting, or the misuse of laxatives or diuretics. These eating habits and behaviours are termed ‘disordered’ when they become harmful through extreme use.
Optimum Intake has opened in August 2015 the Central Coasts first Specialised Private Eating Disorder service. Myrtle Oak Clinic is a unique multidisciplinary team of clinicians who specialise in the counselling and treatment of individuals (children, adults and families) with difficulties around anxiety, stress, depression, disordered eating practices, body image issues, unhealthy dieting practices and clinical eating disorders.
Visit the Myrtle Oak Clinic Website
Myrtle Oak Clinic offers a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment for people experiencing difficulties, as well as for family and friends who are supporting a loved one through this difficult time. We aim to addresses all aspects of the illness: physical, psychological, nutritional, behavioural, social and practical. Putting the needs of the person at the core of all decisions throughout the process of treatment and recovery. We work on building a healthy relationship with food, the mind and body movement. It is important to recognises that progress and recovery takes time and effort, both during and after the treatment process.
We work alongside and together with your GP, paediatrician, psychiatrist or other support professionals and networks to determine what type of treatments will be best.
By offering a range of services such as individual counselling, family therapy, Maudsley Based Family Therapy, non-diet nutritional counselling, group education and information evenings we are able to customise our services to get the best results possible for our clients.
All of our health professionals have received extra training in addition their respective university degrees plus have experience in the field of Mental Health and can specifically treat people with clinical eating disorders, disordered eating or body image issues in addition to anxiety, stress and depression. To book an appointment or to find out more information please contact Myrtle Oak Clinic on (02)43 623 443 or visit their website Locations are Tuggerah on the Central Coast and Wallsend in Newcastle.
We understand that it can be scary to seek help, so be assured that we provide a non-judgemental, confidential and supportive service aiming to help you along your journey of recovery.
If you use any extreme weight control behaviours – even rarely – you should also see your General Practitioner. Extreme measures include:
- Food restriction/fasting (and/or rapid weight loss)
- Purging (self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives or diuretics)
- Excessive exercise